SPA Grand Prix 1 was hosted by Troon Petanque Club on their piste at Marr Rugby Club on the 19th of April. Troon, the venue for the Home Nations in two weeks time, was chosen for GP1 to give teams already qualified for the CC the chance to reaquaint themselves with the piste – and easy it is not!
Players from Inverness, Fochabers, Perth, Stirling, Inverleith and Troon registered fourteen teams to play in GP1 – note an even number – and bodes well for GP‘s 2 and 3.
A revised format has been introduced this year – leagues in the morning with the best eight teams playing a modified knockout of 3 rounds to determine the winner and the top eight places and, in this case, the remaining six teams in a six team league – three games – playing off for the Plate – see Web Site for “Competition Rules and IQS Series 2011”
Afternoon play in the ’knockout’ produced some tight games. The Bears experienced two 13-12 games, against Acorns and Maboules, only to loose out to the Migetiers – winners against Deuchars IPA and Pretty Vacant – for the shiny new GP1 Trophy. Maboule also endured two 13-12 games before squeezing past Pretty Vacant to take third place.
The Champignons won their three games in the afternoon to claim the Plate.
Thanks to John W for organising the competition, Umpire Byron M for keeping an eagle eye on the proceedings and to Troon Petanque Club members for their hospitality and sustenance.
The full result of SPA GP1 –

1st – Migetiers Susan Allan, Dave Pattison and John & Norma Cameron.
2nd – The 3 Bears Gavin Hilson, Mike Watt and Alex Davie.
3rd – Maboules Zandra & Bob Boyle, Dani Cassini and Douglas Hamilton.
4th – Pretty Vacant Lynn Jenkins, Richard Carter and Shirley Legge.
5th – Sex Pisteols Paul Bretenoux, Robbie Stronach and John Wilson.
6th – Deuchars IPA Derek Adam, Colin Stewart and Emma Montgomery.
7th – Acorns Malcolm Mc, Istvan Poka and Brian Ward.
8th – Pointiers Alice Sheach, Henry Hutcheson, Donnie MacIntyre and Ed Strachan.
9th – Champignons John Watson and Mags & Colin Montgomery.
10th – Triaxel John J, Paul & Kevin.
11th – Just Us Eileen Moonie, Mabel Danraj and Margaret Mauchlin.
12th – Nord Ecosse Pat & Gordon Scott and John & Christine Mudd.
13th – Capercaille Jean Hutcheson, Ian Smith and Stuart Malcolm.
14th – Les Folles Christine Thomson, Marie Snell & Alison Swiffen.